Welcome to A Secular Book Study
Studying the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous has been a formidable task for those of us with a secular perspective or a non-religious mind.
The words as written, the religious angle, and the time in which it was penned has challenged some alcoholics to weave the language into modern-day terms and modern-day realities.
At the time it was first published, there were only a handful of groups of sober alcoholics banded together in a common union.
To others it was the only communication they had from other alcoholics that had an answer to a seemingly hopeless situation.
From this text, millions have gone on to a lifetime of sobriety, unity, love and service to others.
Without the efforts of the founding members and their selfless pursuit to bring their message to other alcoholics, there would be no such thing as Alcoholics Anonymous and those millions that have found a way out might have perished, or worse.
As we read the words today, lets keep in mind the honest desire the writers had to save as many of us as they could, using the language that they had, living in the world they did, and sharing the personal experiences they survived.