4th Edition
Doctor Bob’s Nightmare p.171-181
Gratitude In Action p.193-199
Women Suffer Too p.200-207
The Vicious Cycle p.219-251
He Sold Himself Short p.258-267
The Missing Link p.281-288
Fear Of Fear p.289-294
The Housewife Who Drank At Home p.295-300
Crossing The River Of Denial p.328-338
Because I’m An Alcoholic p.338-347
It Might Have Been Worse p,348-358
Tightrope p.359-368
Flooded With Feeling p.369-347
Me An Alcoholic? P.382-387
The Perpetual Quest p.388-397
A Drunk Like You p.398-406
Acceptance Was The Answer p.407-420
Windows Of Opportunity p.421-431
Twice Gifted p.470-475
A Late Start p.535-543
Freedom From Bondage p.544-552
A.A. Taught Me To Handle Sobriety p.553-559
3rd Edition
He Who Loses His Life p.531-543New Paragraph
1st Edition
Riding The Rods
Fired Again
Mo S - Alternative 3rd Step Prayer
An Atheist/ Agnostic Third-Step Prayer
I surrender my life and my will to the Universe, in order to be built into a recovered addict and to be rendered useful to other addicts and to the Universe. I release to the Universe the bondage of self, that I may better understand my purpose and act on it. I release to the Universe my difficulties, so I can live the program and share my story with addicts who still suffer–using the power, the unconditional love, and the recovered life that a personal relationship with an HP provides. I joyfully surrender today, knowing the sanity and serenity a HP-driven life brings.
Buddhist Prayer
With every breath I take today,
I vow to be awake;
And every step I take,
I vow to take with a grateful heart–
So I may see with eyes of love
into the hearts of all I meet,
To ease their burden when I can
And touch them with a smile of peace
I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
Until I attain Enlightenment.
By merit accumulations from practicing generosity and the other perfections
May I attain Enlightenment, for the benefit of all sentient beings.
The 3rd Step Prayer for Atheists
(or The Non-Prayer 3rd Step)
I commit myself to a set of principles, for my ongoing sobriety and my growth.
I am now open to accepting whatever life brings me, as I know that through living by AA's principles of love, tolerance, service and sobriety, every day is a chance to do and be better for myself and towards others.
I will continually turn away from self obsession and self involvement, and rather, in a healthy and balanced way, focus on how I can be of service to whomever I meet, wherever I am and however I can.
I affirm that walking this sober path of service will transform what appear to be difficulties into opportunities;
opportunities to help others, to embrace humility and to try to bring a little harmony to my corner of the world. In so doing I demonstrate to others and myself that this is a real and vital commitment, and a way of living which will ensure my sobriety and my ongoing growth out of addiction and into a rich new way of being.
May I live this commitment today and every day.
Audio & reading links, pdf files.
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